E15 Data Services
The true value of data is only realised when it is transformed into actionable insight that drives the business forward. This is precisely what the E15 team do.
Data is widely recognised as a key asset for any organisation and is growing exponentially as new technologies emerge. However, the true value of data is only realised when it is transformed into actionable insight that drives the business forward.
The E15 team use exciting technology that applies industry intelligence and cutting-edge analytics to drive business strategy, innovation, emerging technology, and decision-making – for both Compass and our clients. The services included are Data Science, Analytics, Consumer Insights, Data Engineering, and Consulting.
This technology allows us to become an Insight Driven Organisation – meaning we’re using real data to drive our operations forward in an informed way. This allows us to enhance the customer experience by making relevant choices, based on their needs, and buying behaviours.
In effect, it allows us to create a more bespoke service for customers.
A key part of this is the way E15 helps cleanse, sort, arrange, and present data in a visual way – making it easier for our teams to understand and develop achievable actions based on what they find. It will also standardise the quality of our data, making our analytics more efficient.
In turn, this will let us drive innovation in the right places, grow our data assets, and drive value for all.
Key Features
- AWS cloud platform
- Ease of use for end users with interactive dashboards, trained key authors/super users
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- New Team for operating, projects & utilising insights
- Advanced Analytics – Data Science
- Implementation of robust Data Governance & Data Cataloguing
- Security of data & access
Key Benefits
- Actionable Insights – Provides clear actions that drive the business forward
- New Infrastructure – Allows self-service dashboards & deep analysis of data
- Better visualisation - Easier to analyse data with simple-to-use dashboards
- Single Source of Truth – All data in one place, one version of the truth
- Improved Accessibility To Dashboards - For both Compass & Clients
- Strong Data Governance –Allowing longevity & trust in the data, & clearly defined roles across the business along with improving data literacy
- Data Science Forecasting– Improved forecasting by using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Augmented Data Management – Cleanse and categorise data using Data Science and Data quality rules
- Compliance – Assist with compliance for tracking of Health & Safety, Audits, Service Management & reputation of Compass & employees' wellbeing
- Security – Build & develop a secure environment for Compass & Clients to utilise for Data & Insights
Get in Touch!
Please get in touch via Camilla Howard, Contract Director to arrange a call back to discuss What’s important to you.